Permanent Residence Document Withdrawal Agreement

As the United Kingdom officially left the European Union on January 31st, 2020, an agreement was reached on how to handle the status of EU citizens living in the UK. The Withdrawal Agreement included provisions for a Permanent Residence Document, or PRD, which would be issued to EU citizens who had already been living in the UK for more than five years.

However, recent developments have raised questions about the validity of the PRD. In July 2020, the UK government announced that it would be withdrawing PRDs for EU citizens who had been granted settlement status under the EU Settlement Scheme. This decision has left many concerned about their future status in the UK.

The Withdrawal Agreement included a provision stating that the PRD would be valid until the end of the UK`s transition period, which was set to end on December 31st, 2020. However, the UK government`s decision to withdraw the PRD has caused confusion and uncertainty for EU citizens living in the UK.

One of the main concerns is that, without the PRD, EU citizens may face difficulties proving their status in the UK. This could impact their ability to work, access healthcare, and receive other public services. It could also make it more difficult to travel and move between the UK and EU countries.

The UK government has said that EU citizens will still be able to use their settlement status as proof of their right to live and work in the UK. However, many argue that the PRD provides additional security and clarity for both EU citizens and employers.

There are also concerns about the potential impact on EU citizens who have already applied for a PRD. According to the UK government, those who have been granted a PRD will not have it withdrawn. However, those who have applied but not yet received their document may now receive a Certificate of Application instead.

Overall, the withdrawal of the PRD has raised questions and concerns for many EU citizens living in the UK. It remains to be seen how this decision will impact their future status and rights, and whether any further changes will be made before the end of the transition period.